Friday, January 5, 2018

Fitness Friday and a few other days a week...

Happy Friday!

To continue with my theme of writing about my New Years Goals this month. I am moving onto fitness. My goals are not in any particular order btw! In 2017, I was scale obsessed. Once I purchased my own scale, I started weighing myself daily. Super unhealthy! I would beat myself up over as little as three pounds. I noticed that I might be forming ADDITIONAL body image issues and an eating disorder and scaled (pun intended) back to weighing myself once a week. This year I will not focus on the scale! My goal is to be healthy, fit, toned and slay in a two piece bikini...which I haven't worn comfortably without a tank top in years! I'm considering adding a body fat percentage goal but I don't want to spark that obsessive behavior I have....
Around Oct 2016 I started my weight loss journey and started going to the gym and seeking out a healthier diet. I began lifting which I truly enjoyed! It was stress relieving, my body toned nicely and I loved seeing my body get increasingly stronger. I am no longer a fan of cardio but if I kept short intervals between sets and exercises, it counts as cardio, which meant I didn't have to do a ton more cardio on the stair stepper (my cardio machine of choice). I really want to try a HITT class as well.
My trouble area is my stomach, my arms and legs will tone up nicely; my back will look strong and seductively sleek but my gut well if you prefer a keg over a six pack...I'm your girl LMAO!
During this weigh loss journey I found the ketogenic diet and fell in love! I lost 30lbs quickly and kept it off for all of 2017.
Enter 12/18/17, were my gallbladder was taken away from me... I officially can no longer live the keto lifestyle and I am searching for a new diet with a heavy heart. Oh and I would like to mention that I mean diet like a way that I eat, not like a juice diet but something that I maintain all the time. As I search for a comfortable replacement that is still low carb because well I don't crave carbs like I use to (and I know for my body carbs= 'bootydo' belly sticks out further than your booty do). I am just eating healthy like I know to do. I'm def open for suggestions!
This brings me to my goal. My goal for 2018 is to go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week. I start next week because I wanted to give my body a little extra time to recover from the surgery and adjust to starting back at my restaurant job again. I thank God that He has given me a mind set to not stress about my weight but focus on the positive aspects of fitness. Yes, I want a flat stomach and triple yes on wanting a bigger booty but healthy and toned is my goal and I believe that I can accomplish this by working out 3 to 4 times a week. Thanks for listening!

Stay Fluid,


*For some reason it won't let me upload a picture I'll do so soon :)*

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